• Pat Grant
  • Barry Dunne
  • John Quinn
  • David Robinson
  • Stephen Enright
  • Coaching Officer
  • Games Development Manager
  • Mid County GDA
  • Urban GDA
  • Post Primary Officer
  • PHONE:
  • 083-1056545
  • 087-6953648
  • 087-7656158
  • 086-2384950
  • 087-6526252

Name: Pat Grant
Waterford GAACoaching Officer
Contact Me: If you have any ideas in relation to progressing Gaelic Games in Waterford, I and the team would love to hear from you. Please feel free to contact me or fill out the contact request form above.

Name: Barry Dunne
GDA Division: Games Development Manager
How long are you working for Waterford GAA: I have been working for Waterford GAA since 2015 having initially started on an internship. I have been employed full time since March 2017. Previous to this role I worked in Fund Accounting for ten years.
What part of the role do you most enjoy? I think the part of the job I enjoy the most is meeting and working with people. A huge part of my role is being on the ground interacting with groups like teachers, school children, club administrators and coaches. You build up great relationships with people and I’ve made some great friends.
What do you feel is most important part of your role at present? Lately the impact of COVID-19 on the GAA has meant we are playing a different but no less vital role for clubs. We are often a vital source of information, ideas and resources for clubs as they deal with the pandemic. Outside of that, putting good Coach Education structures in place is a high priority for myself and Déise Óg. The key to sustainable development of coaching in clubs is learning and education so it is a critical area in my eyes.
How important is the relationship between clubs and the GDA’s? It is absolutely critical in my eyes. We are the conduit between clubs and the GAA and progressive clubs will utilise that link as much as possible. We are always at the end of a phone call, WhatsApp or email to help a club with various projects, coaching initiatives or to act as a sounding board on ideas. And we are delighted to help.
What is in store for Déise Óg in 2021? We are currently planning out the year as best we can given the circumstances. There is a lot of exciting new projects in store for clubs and schools which we are really looking forward to rolling out. Coupled with this is new structures for the Déise Óg Academies, an exciting Coach Education programme as well as a packed Games Programme at juvenile level. So loads to look forward to.

Name: John Quinn
GDA Division: Mid County
How long are you working for Waterford GAA: Coaching for 35 years and 15 years in current position
What part of the role do you most enjoy?: It is fantastic that my position gives me the opportunity to meet and engage with so many people.
From the perspective of the activities I am involved with, my greatest enjoyment comes from the actual coaching with various groups.
What do you feel is most important part of your role at present? I feel it is difficult to pinpoint one specific area as each area is very important in the overall development of our games.
The area of club development is definitely high on the priority list.
Observations over my Coaching Career: While the game of hurling has changed, in terms of the way the game is played, the basics remain the same and focus on the basic skills should always be a priority. For coaches – keep your sessions enjoyable and replicate the game as much as possible in your sessions.
Training should be just as enjoyable for the coach as for the players.

Name: David Robinson
GDA Division: Urban Area
How long are you working for Waterford GAA: I have been coaching overall for 30 years and employed as a GDA for the past 12 years.
What part of the role do you most enjoy?: The Role which I enjoy most is Coaching at all levels from Nursery to Development Squads.
I enjoy this area the most as I get to observe the kids grow into young adults, using the skills they develop in playing with their clubs and development squads over the years. I also enjoy working with all the club coaches and seeing them progress on their coaching pathway.
What do you feel is most important part of your role at present? Rolling out the Munster Club Development Plan, Coach Education and Well Kids Projects are a high priority at the moment.
Implementing these projects will ensure a base for clubs to develop over the coming years.
Assisting all club coaches and officers with the successful rollout of the above.
How can GDA’s assist in Club Coaching? I can assist and mentor clubs through coaching workshops, providing coaching sessions and Coach Education programmes.
I can help them set up their Nursery Academy through the Well Kids Project, and rolling out of the Munster Club Development plan.

Name: Barry Dunne
GDA Division: Western
How long are you working for Waterford GAA: I have been working for Waterford GAA since 2015 having initially started on an internship. I have been employed full time since March 2017. Previous to this role I worked in Fund Accounting for ten years.
What part of the role do you most enjoy? I think the part of the job I enjoy the most is meeting and working with people. A huge part of my role is being on the ground interacting with groups like teachers, school children, club administrators and coaches. You build up great relationships with people and I’ve made some great friends.
What do you feel is most important part of your role at present? Lately the impact of COVID-19 on the GAA has meant we are playing a different but no less vital role for clubs. We are often a vital source of information, ideas and resources for clubs as they deal with the pandemic. Outside of that, putting good Coach Education structures in place is a high priority for myself and Déise Óg. The key to sustainable development of coaching in clubs is learning and education so it is a critical area in my eyes.
How important is the relationship between clubs and the GDA’s? It is absolutely critical in my eyes. We are the conduit between clubs and the GAA and progressive clubs will utilise that link as much as possible. We are always at the end of a phone call, WhatsApp or email to help a club with various projects, coaching initiatives or to act as a sounding board on ideas. And we are delighted to help.
What is in store for Déise Óg in 2021? We are currently planning out the year as best we can given the circumstances. There is a lot of exciting new projects in store for clubs and schools which we are really looking forward to rolling out. Coupled with this is new structures for the Déise Óg Academies, an exciting Coach Education programme as well as a packed Games Programme at juvenile level. So loads to look forward to.