Speed v Conditioning Coach Education Workshop
See below Coach Education Workshop taking place in coming weeks. Please share with all your club coaches.
Speed v Conditioning Practical workshop delivered by Joey Doherty, Lead Coach for Déise Óg Development Squads Athletic Development Programme
Workshop will focus on educating and preparing coaches to fully understand the basics of energy systems. During the workshop coaches will be shown how to tap into these different energy systems effectively, along with discovering the difference between training for speed and training for conditioning.
Tramore Sat 4th Feb 11am-12.30pm
Kilgobnet Sat 25th Feb 11am-12.30pm
Tickets €5 to be booked in advance of workshop. https://www.universe.com/events/deise-og-workshop-speed-v-conditioning-for-players-aged-13-and-up-tickets-4P8K7B